Sunday, February 3, 2008

Back in Civilization

Hi everyone. I'm back from the boonies. I spent the last three weeks on a farm in the middle of nowhere in northern New South Wales. The nearest town had a population of 1000. I had a great time but it's nice to be back in touch with the rest of the world. My current plan is to find work in either Sydney or Melbourne for the next couple of months before I continue around the world.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bro, welcome back to the world eh?
Remember that intern Lauren from Sharon? She'll be in Melbourne from 2/15-6/28
Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

Awesome man...good reading. Good luck finding work!


Lucinda said...

WE MISS YOU! Do you have a job yet??

Nathan is walking. Soon he'll be on his own walkabout!

Anonymous said...

T Dub,

We blew a 10-point lead at trivia Wednesday and the most damage came on a science question. You are sorely needed. Get your @$$ back here.


Anonymous said...

Heh, sounds like a charming adventure that you'd gotten yourself into there. Makes me smile.

Good luck on those next few legs of your journey. And say hello when you make it back to the states.
